Saturday, January 23, 2010

Month four

Rutledge has really hit ALOT of milestones this month:
*Rolled over - January 16th
*Flipped his body 180 degrees in crib - the night of January 17th
*First Trip to a restaurant - January 17th, Sunday Morning, Cracker Barrel
*First Shopping trip with JUST mommy, no help - Katie Mac and Target, and it started raining :(
*He also started blowing rasberrys with his tounge/lips.
*January 22 - He really laughed WITH me about something! He didnt just giggle like he does when I kiss his neck talk with him. He made a funny noise and I imitated it and laughed and threw his head back and laughed and laughed! Not just a fleeting ha ha, he laughed and looked at me and laughed some more. It was AWESOME! It was like we shared a real moment. We both thought something was funny and laughed TOGETHER! I cant wait for more times like that :)
*Still LOVES his paci.
*Despite knowing how to roll over, he still does not like tummy time.
*He likes to be/sit outside.
*Loves his swing.
*He still LOVES to talk and now hes upgraded from oohs and ooos to all kinds of crazy loud noises and even yells :) We have the most interesting and loud converstations! :)
*He has kinda grown out of sleeping on his tummy on our chest. Its kinda sad because that made for the BEST naps. But, I think he grew too long, he just doesnt seem as comfortable like that anymore.
*Still loves to ride in the car and stroll.
Four month checkup stats - 15 1/2 lbs, length - 25 1/2 inches