Monday, November 23, 2009

Rutledge - Month Three

During the first week of Rut's third month we started giving him formula for his last feeding. It took him about 5 seconds to figure out what to do with it! The first night he had the formula he drank 5 oz in about 15 minutes. This is the same baby that takes 45 minutes to nurse! Well, he spit most of it up after about 45 minutes. Everything was soaked! The sleep wedge, the sheet. I actually went to get some groceries so Josh had to field that one on his own and he did great! He cleaned everything up, gave Rutledge 2oz of breat milk and put him to bed! The next night he took the formula and never had another problem!

Rutledge has a bedtime routine, although the time varies a little. Lights are off, daddy gives him his last bottle and puts him down for the night (whether he is awake or sleeping). We have been really lucky and this has worked. Even if Rutledge is awake he will lay in the bassinet until he falls asleep. No crying! Well, he will sometimes let out a squeal if he looses his paci before he falls asleep! :) He started out the month sleeping about 8-9 hours at a time and by the end of the month he was stretching it to 10 sometimes.

This was a big month for Rut! He started to venture out into public places this month for shopping and such and to holiday family get-togethers. He is starting to drool and blow bubbles!

Rutledge is also becoming quite the talker! Hes figured out how to make noise so now hes making all kinds of sounds. I definitly think he tries to imitate the sounds we make when we have "conversations"! After hes done eating, he is so chatty, he will just talk and talk and giggle and have the best time!
He had a MAJOR growth spurt right around Thanksgiving! He weighed 11 1/2 pounds the week before Thanksgiving and within a few weeks he weighed 14 1/2 pounds! He was sometimes eating 7-8 oz at a feeding! It was like watching him change and grow before our eyes. Every day we would wake up and look at him and think, WOW hes changed more or his chest is more filled out, or his little legs are chunkier...
Rutledge has started to love his pack and play and just hanging out with us in the den. He loves walks in the stroller, car rides, oh and new development!- when hes sleepy, he LOVES to be flipped on his tummy and sleep on your chest/belly! Oh my goodness if this isnt the best thing ever! I cant wait until naptime to see if he needs that extra comfort and if he does I flip him right on over and take a nap with my sweet boy! The best! He wakes up all sweaty and I usually have a big drool stain on my shirt - love it! He doesnt really dig tummy time and usually just buries his face into the blanket and grunts and twists around his head. Josh says he looks like a pig rooting around the ground for food! I usually watch him do this for a minute or two then I cant stand to see him with his faced crammed into the blanket so I flip him back over! :)
OH Yeah! He moved to the Crib this month... It had to happen. I missed looking at him when I was falling asleep, but I think I actually slept better the first night he was in his room. And he was so cute, I think he knew he had more space because he feel asleep with his arms stretched straight out from his sides and his legs were spread as far apart as they could go! He looked a little like a cheerleader! So cute, he also started stretching out his sleep to 10 hours that night. So, I think it was time for the crib. This month was also the month that our sweet baby started to not look so much like a tiny baby anymore, but he started to look like a little boy. Man, even though he is still so young, it really does take you by suprise. One day youre holding your baby and you realize hes heavier and his legs stretch across you and his facial features are like real people features. Its like you can almost see the boy that this little baby of yours will become. Now, hes not a baby that you are feeding and putting to sleep and cuddling. Hes a boy who you talk to, and play with, and tickle, and he talks back, he laughs, he has conversations. You can start to determine what he really likes, what makes him smile, discover where he is ticklish. You realize, "Wow, they REALLY DO grow up fast"

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