Monday, November 23, 2009

Rutledge - Month Two

Wow, as soon as Rutledge entered his second month of life so many new things started happening.

He first started stretching out his sleeping at night. He began having a sort of bedtime and slept for 6-8 hours at a time. The first night this happened I woke up at the 8th hour of him sleeping and was frantic! I also woke to find him sleeping on his side one night when I had taken the sleep wedge out of the bassinet. I decided to put the sleep wedge back in!

He started to smile, and even giggle, alot! All we have to do is talk, or sing, or tickle his little chin and he gives us the biggest, gaping, gummy smile! It makes me so happy!

He also began to "talk". Instead of his usual grunts and sighs, he really began to try to make noises while we talked or sang to him. It is honestly the cutest thing ever! He purses his lips, his eyes get wide, and you can hear him pushing air through his lips and then finally he will make the cutest "oooo" sound. And I tell ya, he looks so excited and proud of himself when he makes that noise! I love it! By the way, he talked to his Daddy before talking to his Mama.

He made his first friends! They are the green whale and the orange fish that hang from his swing! He can spend a good 10 minutes smiling and talking to those two friends while he swings. It is adorable!

Oh yeah, he LOVES kisses from his daddy. Josh will kiss Rut on his forehead and Joshs beard will tickle his nose and he will smile so big!

Rut is sleepin' like a wildman, kicking his legs, arms up above his head, he even slides around in the bassinet during the night!

He still loves car rides, the swing, walks in the stroller, singing, his paci, his sleep sheep, likes tummy time, loves to sleep on his daddys chest, and he loves to be held while he naps, so glad I have a snuggler.

A few things stopped happening when our boy turned two months also. He no longer folds up his legs when you pick him up (loved that), he still struggles with gas but hes not having quite as hard of a time with that (yay!).

He had his two month appointment. Weight - 11lbs 6 oz, Length 23 inches, Head 16 inches.

He let out one big wail when he got his shots but calmed right down once they were done!

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