Monday, November 23, 2009

Rutledge's First Month

Man, that first month went by so so so fast! But it amazes me how many things happened in that first month and how much Rut changed! I have to say, I was excited to get our baby boy home, but you know, the hospital wasn't that bad. We didn't have to worry about cooking, I could have water or coffee or sprite anytime I wanted :), and there was always somebody around to answer a question we might have about nursing or about Rutledge! But, of course, I wanted to take him home! The first month was so many things. Stressful, tiring, exciting, full of love and emotions, a special bonding time for our new family, and learning about our new baby boy, getting to know what kind of person he is, wonderful, happy. That first month was like no other time in my life. It was kind of surreal.

These are some things we learned about our Rutty Duck. Right from the beginning Rut ate really often. Every two or two and a half hours. And it took him about 45 minutes to an hour to nurse. So, for the first month I was nursing all the time! But I love it! At night he ate about every 4-6 hours. I started with him in the pack and play at the end of the bed. That didn't last long! I was crawling to the end of the bed every time he made a sound, and let me tell you, he is a noisy sleeper. He grunts, and kicks his legs, and also makes the sweetest sigh sounds. He actually startles himself and wakes himself up with the noises he makes! So cute when hes sleeping peacefully and then grunts or squeals so loud he wakes up and has the most concerened, worried look on his face! So, we borrowed a bassinet and put him right by me! So much better, I could just lean over and check on him! Oh and he does the cutest thing when he falls asleep - when hes in that inbetween state, his eyes roll back into his head and he makes lots of funny facial expressions, including a big giant smile, even a tiny giggle. Josh and I love to watch him while hes falling asleep so we can see his big gummy smile! I have only HAD to rock him to sleep a few times, but he really likes to rock. Even though they say you shouldnt get in the habit of rockin' baby to sleep, I love it and give in sometimes and rock him, and sing, and watch him get so quite, his little hands folded on his chest. His eyes will get heavy, and they'll start to roll, and he will smile and sigh until he is fast asleep. Heaven. He also loves his sleep sheep that makes an ocean wave sound when hes falling asleep!

For the first two weeks he slept alot and never ever cried! But man, around the third or fourth week, he really woke up. He still didn't cry that much, maybe a little around feeding time. But he was so aware and watched everything!

Josh and I have so so much fun loving on our little baby boy! He is always so happy and easy going. He loved bath time from the start! He also loves the swing. He was a little unsure the first time we put him in, but after that he was very content in it! He also loves walks in the sling and the stroller, loves car rides, and LOVES his paci! And he actually likes it when we sing to him!

Oh yeah, our baby boy is so so gassy! I mean all the time he is gassy. This caused ALOT of distress for me when he was so new. He would strain and push from the gas and I was so worried he would hurt himself pushin'! I mean, his face would turn red, he would grunt, and twist and turn. And then, once he finished that, he would end up having the hiccups. I mean really big hiccups and his whole body would move! I just knew this couldnt be normal! I called the doctor a few times about this. :) But they said it was normal. (I didn't believe 'em:) ) Oh, and when hes pushin he pokes his lips out and his eyes cross! Pretty funny!

Our little man has been given lots of nicknames sinces he has been home - RuttyDuck, rutty poo, pretty fella, rut rut.

Oh yeah, he had his two week appointment and everything was great! He weighed 11 lbs 2 oz, length was 22 inches.

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