Friday, November 13, 2009

Rutledge's Birth Story

So, our sweet little boy is already almost two months old and I haven't recorded, or written down, any of the details of those two months! I told myself I would be that mama who wrote all that fun stuff down so that when my children asked questions about when they were little, I could tell them all the fun details. I have a terrible long term memory! So, I'm finally putting these things down in our brand new blog. This blog will be a combination of our family updates and Josh's hunting/fishing outings. He is always coming home with these exciting outrageous stories from huntung or fishing and he is the BEST storyteller - he can really put you in the moment! So, I've been telling him he needs to record those too so Rut can one day read all the fun times his daddy had - hopefully this blog will be easy enough that he will actually do it!

This picture is at Lees wedding rehearsal, I was about 6 months pregnant. I don't think I allowed many more pics to be taken of me after this!

When we found out we were pregnant I immediately thought that I wanted to have a natural birth, for all the obvious reasons, AND too many episodes of "A Baby Story" really made me an Epidural hater! So, I borrowed Erin's Bradley Method book and began reading - (well, i read the high points, those of you that know me well know that I dont always finish the books i start). I was totally mentally ready to push that baby out. I was also "planning" on having him late so that I could stay out of school(work) as close to Christmas as possible, postponing him going to daycare until January! But...around 37 weeks I started getting antsy, wondering when things would start happening! I was so ready to meet baby Rut! We had an appointment the Wednesday before our due date (Sunday, September 20). Nothing - he was camped out in there, all curled up and cozy, sucking on his thumb!

This is our 17 week ultrasound. Little man was sucking his thumb, which he still does today if he doesn't have his paci!

At my next appointment, the day after my due date, Monday September 21st, I just knew I would have dialated a little and we could induce. But, we an ultrasound and he was estimated being 9lbs 5 oz. I totally didn't believe he was that size though, It seems like babies are always estimated on the large side during those ultrasounds. So, I was still thinking in my mind that I would meet with my doctor and we would induce! But, still, nothing was happening, and that, along with his size, she said we'd have to have a c-section. So, September 22nd was the day. I had one of my favorites, a giant Schlotzkys roast beef sammy, the night before! Josh went deer hunting! The next morning we were to be at the hospital at 10 and the c-section was scheduled for 12.

This is the deer Josh killed the night before we had Rutledge.

When we got to the hospital there were tons of paperwork to do. I was a little on edge thinking about the epidural but we were both so excited. I was soon puttin' on my gown and getting my IV - three tries to get that in! We were a little disappointed when we heard we had been pushed back to one. But, pretty soon I was getting that epidural. Well, sorta. They tried two or three times to insert the epidural but for some reason it just wouldn't go... Josh was told to sit down during this, I guess to prevent any possible passing out (Not that he would have passed out). My poor nurse, I dont remember her name, but she was so good! I was not a fun patient during the epidural. Anyway, since that didnt work, they decided to do a spinal block once I was in the OR. At that point I was just thinking - Maybe I shouldn't go through with this, I mean, he would come out on his own eventually right???!!! Well, once we got in the OR things happened really fast. The spinal was successful and, in what seemed like just a few minutes, Josh was back at my side - looking quite handsome in his scrubs - holding my hand. I felt so much more relaxed once he was with me. He did great. He stayed in such a positive, happy attitude the entire time and it really helped me not worry as much! He also took some GREAT photos of Rutledge being born and in the nursery. I later found out that while I was enduring much pain and humility while being prepared for surgery, Josh was in the waiting room giving quite the fashion show in his scrubs!

I have to say that the actual c-section experience, minus the epidural, was more pleasant than I expected. Dr. Rainwater was great! The entire time she made conversation with us, the atmosphere was so pleasant! I never heard her ask for an instrument or do anything that you would expect in an operation! She laughed and talked with us and really made a good memory, instead of a sterile, serious environment. The first thing she said when she saw the baby was "Look at that Head!". Until then I wasn't sure of what was going on, but when we heard that we knew Rutledge was almost here! Only seconds later we heard laughter/cheers from everyone in the OR followed by a really loud rythmic cry from our baby boy. It was the most wonderful sound, I can still hear it in my mind. I dont think I'll ever forget it. It was so loud, so clear. I remember just looking at Josh and laughing. So happy.

The nurse gave me a quick look of our boy just after he was out, then took him away to clean him up. So many people were talking but I remember Josh, and a nurse, saying he had big feet! I also remember the nurses saying "He was a 10". I initally thought "He weighs 10 lbs????" But later we found out that births are rated on a scale of 1-10 depending on how the birth goes and how the baby reacts when out. We found out later that little man's feet were a little blue when he was born, so our birth was rated a 9. Once he was wrapped up and ready to go to the nursery the nurse gave me another look and then Josh went with him to the nursery.

I actually took a nap while they were finishing up! It was a nice nap, I felt really rested! Anyway, once in recovery, my body temperature was a little low, so I had to stay in a little longer than normal, about an hour. But, they had this really neat heater that had a hose connected, they put the hose under my blankets, it was so cozy. I had toasty heat pumped into my bed! We gotta get one of those for home. Josh came in after a while and sat by me and told me all about Rutledge, his weight (9lbs 8oz), height(19 1/2 inch), what he looked like. He also showed me the pictures he had taken while in the nursery. He thought it was hilarious that after the nursery nurse had gotten him all cleaned up and nice and ready to go, Rutledge had a giant, massive poopy and she had to do it all over again.

After warming up, I was finally taken to my room! I was ready to see our baby boy again! We wheeled down the hall and were met by my family in the hall. We all made our way to our room, and a few minutes later Josh's family joined us. Then, they brought in sweet Rutledge. He was so beautiful, so sweet and peaceful. He looked just like his daddy! He was really alert then and his eyes were wide open, looking around.

I dont know who took the next three pictures but I love them. I remember these moments in my mind but it is so great to have them on film!

Holding Rutledge for the first time! Sweet baby boy!

Look at the best Husband in the world, he was by my side the entire time. Josh was so happy and proud of his little fella. He is the best daddy.

My boys are so sweet and handsome, look at that proud papa.

These are some pictures while we were at the hospital.
They look SO much alike! If only Rutledge had a beard.

Rutledge just looking like his daddy again!

Rutledge in his going home outfit.

Leaving the hospital with our baby boy!

On the way home, Rut's first car ride! He seemed a little concerned!

Rutledge's Nursery

Changing pad/table

The crib (he still hasn't slept a night there...:))

Awesome, oh so comfy, gliding recliner that his daddy picked out.

Fun bookshelf that his Daddy built! I love it! I saw one in pottery barn kids and Josh built it in one afternoon!

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